Tesla Lease Deals

We offer a wide range of amazing lease deals across Tesla vehicles. Leasing is a great way to get your hands on a brand new car, without breaking the bank. Leap Vehicle Leasing allows you to get behind the wheel of your favourite Tesla car without the hassle!

Whether you're looking for a personal lease or a business lease of the latest Tesla offers, Leap Vehicle Leasing features great car leasing deals across all popular Tesla models. Our dedicated team of experts are on hand to help you get started with your next car. Driving away in a brand new lease car has never been easier with Leap Vehicle Leasing. With professional advice, from our friendly advisors and free delivery across the whole UK, it's no wonder why so many people choose us for leasing vehicles.

If you have any questions about our Tesla lease deals call us on 0161 623 2891 or via email at sales@leapvehicleleasing.com.